Birding and meditation both often encourage mindfulness and being present in your body or environment. For this event we bring the two practices together through a guided meditation that will incorporate bird song led by Miya Kishi Dunets. The program will be one hour long, including introduction and instruction, 20-30 minutes of active meditation and time for reflection.
We acknowledge that not everyone is able to go birding outdoors, especially during the winter months, and would like to explore alternative ways of enjoying birds. If birding in a more traditional sense has been a challenge or you’d simply like to take a moment to rest and enjoy connecting with your breath and bird song, this program is for you.
No prior meditation experience is necessary.
Closed captions will be available on the live zoom. Please let us know if you have an accessibility need that we can meet that will help make the program better for you.
Tickets are free or by donation and they are limited due to zoom capacity, so when you are registering, please only select one ticket per household in either category. Thank you!
For more information and to register, please visit EventBrite