Calendar & Events
FBC Houston ~ January Bird Outing
Come join FBC HTX for our first outing of the year at Willow Waterhole Greenway on Saturday January 11th @ 8AM!
RSVP via this Google doc
Let’s find some ducks, wading birds, sparrows, and more!!
As always, birders of all experience levels are welcomed and we happily encourage new birders to join! Bring your camera, your friends, your weirdness and curiosity!
Details for parking and registration can be found at the event registration link in our bio. If you missed the registration, please shoot us a DM that you’re coming last minute.

NYC - Weird Duck Time
You love it. We love it. It’s WEIRD DUCK TIME!
Join Alyssa, Jen, and Martha of FBC NYC as we visit Baisley Pond Park in Queens, one of the only places in NYC where the discerning birder can find that most delightful of winter duck visitor, the Redhead.
To register, please visit EventBrite~
For whatever reason, a flock of these gorgeous ducks congregate in this former glacial basin alongside Ring-necked Duck, Northern Shoveler, Pied-billed Grebe, and other aquatic delights. Plus if we’re lucky we might encounter Monk Parakeet, Brown Creeper, Cooper’s Hawk, and other late-fall NYC regulars.
One of these years we will not laugh hysterically when the Gadwall say “hey,” but chances are good that this will not be that year.
Accessibility: Baisley Pond is very flat and nearly all of the surfaces we would use are paved. Some walking over grass possible, especially to look at sparrows hiding in the phragmites along the pond edge. Benches scattered throughout, although sometimes quite far apart. Public restrooms theoretically available, but in the past it’s been hit or miss if the building is actually open.
[image description: Flyer with a photo of a duck with a rusty red head, a gray beak with a black tip, and bright golden eyes. Text reads: Weird Duck Time with Feminist Bird Club NYC. December 8, 9am to 11am. Baisley Pond Park]
NYC - Fall Birding with FBC NYC at Shirley Chisholm State Park
Join FBC NYC at Shirley Chisholm State Park in Brooklyn for some late fall grassland and bay birding!
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite
Late fall is an incredible time of transition in New York City as the final summer visitors say goodbye and our winter resident birds arrive, and the shoreline of Jamaica Bay is an excellent place to witness the action.
There’s no guarantee of what we might see, but hopefully we’ll get to appreciate some sparrows, some grassland-loving raptors like Northern Harrier and American Kestrel, and a whole mixture of ducks, geese, and gulls that live on or near the water.
If we’re lucky maybe we’ll even see a Purple Sandpiper, a shorebird species that really only spends time in NYC in winter.
When: Saturday November 23, 9am to 11am
Where: Shirley Chisholm State Park (exact meeting place to follow)
Accessibility: All of the trails we would use are paved or hard-packed earth and gravel. Some of the trails in the park have steep sections but we generally avoid those in favor of flat trails or those with very shallow inclines.
Port-a-potties available, with at least one cabin being ADA compliant.
We have a limited number of binoculars available to borrow. Please let us know beforehand if you need to borrow a pair.
Questions? Drop us a line at
Chicago - Van Trip to Jasper-Pulaski Park and Sandhill Cranes
Join Feminist Bird Club Chicago for an outing to see the Sandhill Crane migration at Jasper Pulaski park.
Feminist Bird Club is organizing a trip to Jasper Pulaski Fish & Wildlife area in NW Indiana to see the Sandhill Crane migration. There are limited seats available in a van, or we highly encourage self-driving and meeting the group there.
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite

FBC NYC: Things are Bad but Birds are Not: Emergency Birding Sesh w/ Jen Kepler
Let’s be honest: We’re all feeling kind of bad. But birds can help us stay grounded and ready for the work ahead. Join Jen Kepler and FBC NYC for some emergency birding, community, and outdoor appreciation this Sunday, November 10 in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.
Meet Jen at the 15th Street entrance to Prospect Park at 9am for a slow walk around a portion of Prospect Park, looking for overhead raptors, visiting and resident woodpeckers, delightful fall sparrows, and other avian friends. Paths in the park are generally paved or hard-packed dirt; bathrooms are available but they are pretty far apart, so plan accordingly.
Get Tickets HERE starting at Nov 7th, 6PM. Space is limited.

FBC NYC -Things are Bad but Birds are Not - Little Sit at Prospect Park
Join us for a Little Sit in Prospect Park, this Saturday, November 9th from 9 am to 12 pm. Many of you (including us) are feeling some kind of way at the moment, so we wanted to get together last minute to have a moment of peace and comradery with the birds. We will be posted up near the Prospect War Memorial, close to the LeFrak Center. Bring a chair or blanket if you would like, snacks, tea - whatever would make you feel good. Hope to see you there!
RSVP Via the Google Form HERE.
Chicago - FBC Social Hang-out at the Wild Mile
Join us Friday November 1st at the Wild Mile for an evening along the Chicago River. Walk the riverfront and enjoy a bonfire.
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite.

Chicago - Rosehill Cemetery Witchy Birding
Join us Saturday October 26th at Rosehill Cemetery for a witchy afternoon of birding. All skills and experience levels are welcome!
Visit EventBrite to join the waitlist

FBC Western Mass & Stop L3 Harris Noho - Birders Against Bombs
Did you know that L3Harris in Northampton manufactures periscopes that are supplied to the Israeli military?
Join Stop L3 Harris Noho and FBC Western Mass for a birding meetup and stand out against L3Harris in solidarity with Palestinian birders and the BDS (boycott, divest, and sanction) movement.
Let’s show our local weapons manufacturer how to use optical equipment for peace and connection instead of war!
When: Monday, October 7th & Monday, October 21st 5:30-6:30. (This will be a bi-weekly event but dates and times are subject to change.)
Where: Chapel St Sidewalk outside L3Harris in Northampton, MA
Who: Anyone who supports demilitarization (you do not have to be a birder!)
What to expect: A low risk birding event part of a larger effort to build sustained community action at L3 Harris. Police presence is unlikely but possible, and there will be a police liaison to interface with them if necessary. If for any reason the police ask us to leave, we will leave. The risk of arrest is negligible unless you deviate from the group (please don't do this). There will not be a legal observer.
What to bring: (1) Binoculars, if you have them! Spare binoculars will be available if you don't. (2) Protest signs! (3) Whatever food and liquids you may need. (4) A face mask.
Parking and accessibility info: We will stand and sit on the sidewalk by the east entrance to L3 Harris at the intersection of West and Chapel St.
Please park on the street and in public lots only. If accessible to you, we recommend parking at the Northampton Community Garden, but please note there is no sidewalk on the north end of Laurel St.
There is also street parking on the south end of Laurel Street where there is a sidewalk with curb cuts that connects to Chapel St.
There is no access to a bathroom. We are requesting that everyone mask for COVID safety and security.
Image description: A Palestine sunbird on a blue background. The text reads "Birders against bombs.
Birding meetup and stand out.
L3Harris Northampton. 5:30-6:30
PM. Monday October 7th and October 21st."Photo credit: Mohammed Badarin

FBC Western Mass with Dan Russell
Join us for a stationary, accessible, masks required hawk watch with a raptor expert!
Sunday October 13th from 10AM-12PM at Skinner State Park Summit House in Hadley, MA.
Trip leaders: Caroline (any pronouns) and Deborah (she/her) from FBC MA and Dan Russell (he/him), local raptor expert!
What to expect: This will be a stationary event for all birding experience levels, focused on observing and counting migrating hawks and other raptor species. Hawk migration is a magical phenomenon, with hundreds of birds streaming overhead on some clear days in September and October. During our event, we expect to see late-season migrants like bald eagles, kestrels, sharp-shinned hawks, northern harriers, and red-tailed hawks.
We will also be on the look out for fall warblers!
Parking: We will park and meet at the Summit House at Skinner State Park in Hadley, MA. This is accessible via Old Mountain Road off Rt 47 in Hadley, near Barstow's Dairy Farm. From the gate, continue up the road all the way to the top. There is a parking lot with designated van-accessible spots. You may have to pay to park. It's $5 for MA residents and $20 for non-MA residents to park. You can pay with cash, credit card or with the Yodel app.
If parking fees are a concern, please message us to discuss carpooling to the top.
What to bring: A mask or two, binoculars if you have them, water, snacks, sun protection, portable stool or chair if needed. A scope is highly recommended.
Precautionary measures: All participants must wear a mask while with the group.
Accessibility: This will be a stationary event on the porch outside the Summit House, which is wheelchair-accessible. Seating is available, as are full-use accessible bathrooms.
Land acknowledgement: We recognize and appreciate that this mountain lies on land that has been stewarded by generations of the Norwottuck, Pocumtuc, and Nipmuc people.If you have any other accessibility needs or questions, please message us here or email You can meet us for all or some of the time, as always.
Image ID: Dark blue text over a painted image of clouds in a light blue sky with grey mountains in the background and a large green mountain in the forground bordered by leafy trees and grey rocks. Two black hawks soar on either side of text that reads: "Hawk Watch with FBC Western MA and Dan Rusell. Sunday October 13, 10am-12pm Skinner State Park Summit House, Hadley, MA. Join us for an accessible stationary outing! All experience levels welcome. Masks required."

FBC Western Mass and BLHC - Mindful Birding
We’re joining forces with Body Liberation Hiking Club (Berkshires chapter) for a mindful bird walk at Lime Kiln Wildlife Sanctuary in Sheffield, MA! This outing will be on Saturday, October 12 from 11 AM - 12:30 PM.
Trip leaders: Caroline (any pronouns) and Deborah (she/her) from FBC MA and Dan Russell (he/him), local raptor expert!
What to expect: This will be a stationary event for all birding experience levels, focused on observing and counting migrating hawks and other raptor species. Hawk migration is a magical phenomenon, with hundreds of birds streaming overhead on some clear days in September and October. During our event, we expect to see late-season migrants like bald eagles, kestrels, sharp-shinned hawks, northern harriers, and red-tailed hawks. We will also be on the look out for fall warblers!
Parking: We will park and meet at the Summit House at Skinner State Park in Hadley, MA. This is accessible via Old Mountain Road off Rt 47 in Hadley, near Barstow's Dairy Farm. From the gate, continue up the road all the way to the top. There is a parking lot with designated van-accessible spots. You may have to pay to park. It's $5 for MA residents and $20 for non-MA residents to park. You can pay with cash, credit card or with the Yodel app. If parking fees are a concern, please message us to discuss carpooling to the top.
What to bring: A mask or two, binoculars if you have them, water, snacks, sun protection, portable stool or chair if needed. A scope is highly recommended.
Precautionary measures: All participants must wear a mask while with the group.
Accessibility: This will be a stationary event on the porch outside the Summit House, which is wheelchair-accessible. Seating is available, as are full-use accessible bathrooms.
Land acknowledgement: We recognize and appreciate that this mountain lies on land that has been stewarded by generations of the Norwottuck, Pocumtuc, and Nipmuc people.If you have any other accessibility needs or questions, please message us here or email You can meet us for all or some of the time, as always.
Image ID: Dark blue text over a painted image of clouds in a light blue sky with grey mountains in the background and a large green mountain in the foreground bordered by leafy trees and grey rocks. Two black hawks soar on either side of text that reads: "Hawk Watch with FBC Western MA and Dan Rusell. Sunday October 13, 10am-12pm Skinner State Park Summit House, Hadley, MA. Join us for an accessible stationary outing! All experience levels welcome. Masks required."
NYC - Guided Birding at the Naval Cemetery Landscape
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite.
Leader: Alex Tey, Feminist Bird Club
Focus: Explore a native pollinator meadow and memorial landscape. The fall bird event will be a rare chance to see the Naval Cemetery Landscape (NCL) in earlier morning hours (prime time for bird activity). Participants will have a chance to see many of the 79+ species that have been observed here, including some species such as chimney swifts seen year round at the landscape but rare to the Brooklyn area plus fall migrating birds.
BYOB- bring your own binoculars! (some will be available on site to borrow for the walk)
This event is free but please make sure to register/get a ticket for each attending member.
About the Walk Leader: Alex Tey is a journalist, photographer, and lifelong birdwatcher living in New York City. She loves to engage herself and others with the natural world through birds, and she’s always excited to learn more about the finer points of bird biology and field identification. Her writing has been published in Audubon, Slate, Curbed, and The New York Times. She posts bird photos on Instagram at @phoebewatching and occasionally writes the Substack newsletter Rare Bird.
About The Naval Cemetery Landscape:
Before or after this event, speak to our gardeners and learn about the Naval Cemetery Landscape (NCL) and the Greenway and what goes into maintaining their beauty and accessibility for every visitor, especially the many species of birds for which we intentionally cultivate habitat and resources!The Naval Cemetery Landscape is fully operated, made open as a public space and able to provide free public programs like this solely by Brooklyn Greenway Initiative through the generosity of our supporters. You can follow us on instagram @navalcemeterylandscape and @bkgreenway
This event is funded by Nature Sacred.

FBC Western Mass & Stop L3 Harris Noho - Birders Against Bombs
Did you know that L3Harris in Northampton manufactures periscopes that are supplied to the Israeli military?
Join Stop L3 Harris Noho and FBC Western Mass for a birding meetup and stand out against L3Harris in solidarity with Palestinian birders and the BDS (boycott, divest, and sanction) movement.
Let’s show our local weapons manufacturer how to use optical equipment for peace and connection instead of war!
When: Monday, October 7th & Monday, October 21st 5:30-6:30. (This will be a bi-weekly event but dates and times are subject to change.)
Where: Chapel St Sidewalk outside L3Harris in Northampton, MA
Who: Anyone who supports demilitarization (you do not have to be a birder!)
What to expect: A low risk birding event part of a larger effort to build sustained community action at L3 Harris. Police presence is unlikely but possible, and there will be a police liaison to interface with them if necessary. If for any reason the police ask us to leave, we will leave. The risk of arrest is negligible unless you deviate from the group (please don't do this). There will not be a legal observer.
What to bring: (1) Binoculars, if you have them! Spare binoculars will be available if you don't. (2) Protest signs! (3) Whatever food and liquids you may need. (4) A face mask.
Parking and accessibility info: We will stand and sit on the sidewalk by the east entrance to L3 Harris at the intersection of West and Chapel St.
Please park on the street and in public lots only. If accessible to you, we recommend parking at the Northampton Community Garden, but please note there is no sidewalk on the north end of Laurel St.
There is also street parking on the south end of Laurel Street where there is a sidewalk with curb cuts that connects to Chapel St.
There is no access to a bathroom. We are requesting that everyone mask for COVID safety and security.
Image description: A Palestine sunbird on a blue background. The text reads "Birders against bombs.
Birding meetup and stand out.
L3Harris Northampton. 5:30-6:30
PM. Monday October 7th and October 21st."Photo credit: Mohammed Badarin

DMV - Rock Creek Park Bird Sit & Hike
Join us in nature during the first weekend in October for a bird sit and hike! Join us for for one part or both of this, ‘choose your own adventure’ at Rock Creek Park.
Everyone is welcome, especially members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people with disabilities, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and women.
No prior birding experience is necessary.
Thanks to the leadership of FBC DMV member Monica Koepper, the hike portion is part of HIKE for Mental Health’s eighth annual #HikeOctober fundraiser!
HIKE for Mental Health is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded on the vision of a world in which everyone, including those who suffer mental illness, can find the simple joy of living. Their mission is to alleviate the suffering of those with mental illness, eliminate the associated stigma, and to foster responsible use of wilderness trails.
Whether or not you join us day-of, we invite you to donate to Monica Koepper’s fundraising page (linked in bio) or sign up yourself (it’s free!) to track your own miles and raise funds.
For this event we ask that you register, and have capped registration at 30. If you have to change your registration, no worries! Just let us know or change your reservation on Eventbrite. We have enabled a wait-list.
If you have any questions about the outing, have any accessibility needs, or have any other thoughts, please DM us. We truly want to hear from you and want everyone to be able to feel bird joy to the fullest.
[Image description: A graphic advertising a two-part bird outing. The FBC DMV logo is in the bottom right, and the text "#HikeOctober" is in the bottom left. The main black text in the middle reads, "Join us at Rock Creek Park on October 5th. Bird Sit @ 9 am | Hike @ 10 am. Everyone welcome! Join us for part or both." Below the text are illustrations of two people looking through binoculars in opposite directions.]

After-Work Birding with Feminist Bird Club NYC
It’s fall, the birds are migrating, and the vibes are immaculate.
Get outside for some after-work birding with Martha and Feminist Bird Club! We’ll be slowly walking around The Ramble in Central Park looking for warblers, flycatchers, sparrows, raptors, woodpeckers, grackles, and any other bird that wants to say hi.
Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Where: The Ramble
Cost: FREE (but donations gratefully accepted)
Pre-registration required:
Tickets available starting Sept 16, 12:30pm ET
Accessibility notes: We will be walking on paved or hard-packed trails in The Ramble. Some of the paths have short, steep inclines but we’ll try to stay away from those. The Ramble has some benches scattered throughout, but they are not in regular intervals. The area has gendered non-accessible (e.g. has steps and very narrow doors) bathrooms. The closest wheelchair-accessible bathroom is at Le Pain Quotidien, which is southwest of Bethesda Terrace. Le Pain Quotidien is at #14 on this map.
This event is by RSVP only. If we're sold out, please put your name on the waitlist! If you sign up and can't make it, please let us know ASAP so we can release waitlist tickets.
If you need to borrow binoculars, please drop us at email at

The Omega Institute, NY - Birding for a Better World and a Better You
Birding for a Better World and a Better You June 9-14 Workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY with Meghadeepa Maity and Molly Adams of the Feminist Bird Club over a painting of people birding in a park

NYC: After Work Ecological Explorations of Washington Square Park
Join FBC NYC and Washington Square Park EcoProject for an ecological exploration of one of Manhattan’s most-beloved public green spaces!
Georgia (Local Nature Lab/Washington Square EcoProjects), Divya (FBC NYC), and Alex (FBC NYC) will be guiding participants through an exploration of the plants and birds of Washington Square Park. Learn about and touch some of the fascinating trees you can find, discover the many ways to identify trees and birds, observe their beauty holistically via artistic and ecological lenses, and connect more deeply with the rich and wild ecology that surrounds us, even in a densely human-developed place like Manhattan!
May 30
Washington Square Park
Event is strictly limited to 15 participants and requires pre-registration. The event is FREE but donations gratefully accepted!
We will be walking primarily on flat paved surfaces, but in order to approach some trees participants might need to cross grassy areas with slight inclines. WSP has many benches and opportunities to sit down and has accessible bathroom facilities.
[Image description: Flier has silhouettes of a tree and a bird. A yellow starburst has red text reading: After Work Birding! Main text reads: Ecological Explorations at Washington Square Park. Local Nature Lab + Feminist Bird Club NYC. May 30, 2024. 6pm. WSP, NYC. Registration required.]

NYC: Stationary Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx
Stationary Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx
Denver- FBC Denver Front Range May Outing
Join the Feminist Bird Club Denver & Front Range Chapter for our May 2024 bird outing and 2024 birdathon kick-off!
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite
We will meet on FRIDAY, May 17 from 10AM-12 PM at the South Valley Park South Trailhead parking lot located at 12447 W Deer Creek Canyon Rd, Littleton, CO 80127.
There are no bus lines in this area. If you need help getting to this location, please DM us on Instagram, email us, or reach out to others on the chapter's WhatsApp. The meet-up location includes free parking and bathrooms. The terrain has some small elevation fluctuations and is a gravel path. We will be traveling 1 to 2 miles at a slow pace on the Coyote Song Trail. This trail may be a bit muddy in May. May weather is variable, so please wear layers and bring snacks, water, and sunscreen in addition to your birding gear.
More information on the park can be found here.
The AllTrails link for some pictures of part of the trail is here.
All are welcome on this outing! No birding experience is needed! We are happy to provide a loaner set of binoculars.

Worldwide - Birdathon for the Congo
Bird with community. Bird for a cause. Bird for Congo.
For more information, please visit the PledgeIt page.
We invite bird enthusiasts across the globe to join Feminist Bird Club in our second annual radically-inclusive birdathon to #BirdYourWay between May 17 and May 20, 2024.
Let’s amplify, resource and empower communities at the frontline of the climate crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo by #BirdingForABetterWorld !
Header photo: Birdathon merch illustration by Erika Harada
Chapter Birdathons

DMV - Gardening for Birds Webinar
Join us for a free virtual gardening webinar with Sam Krause—Minister of Birding for the DC Bird Alliance, bird enthusiast, and certified landscape designer! 🌿🐦
For more information and to RSVP, please visit the Google Form
Access info:
This program will be held on Zoom and conducted in English. Registration is required and the Zoom link will be mailed out to registered participants prior to the event.

NYC: Spring Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx
Spring Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx

Western Mass - Bird Bingo for Gaza Mutual Aid
We’re playing bird bingo to help raise funds to evacuate Maram and her family from Gaza!
Donate any amount to Maram’s GoFundMe and send us a photo of the receipt to receive our bird bingo card. You can play on your own — or join ACAB (Feminist Bird Club, Western MA) at 9am on Sunday, May 5th at Fort River NWR in Hadley, MA, where we’ll fill out our cards together. First we’ll walk a one-mile accessible trail from 9-11am, and then we’ll sit in a shaded gazebo on a pond from 11am-12pm. Join us for the walk, the sit, or both! Anyone who gets bingo is eligible for a beautiful handmade prize.
About the fundraiser: Maram is a 24 year old Arabic and English teacher from Gaza. Due to Israel’s genocidal siege on Gaza, her home has been destroyed, and she and her family are displaced in Rafah in extremely dangerous conditions. She needs to evacuate herself, two siblings, and her parents to Egypt to save their lives. Link to GoFundMe in our linktree.
How does it work?
1.) Make a donation of any amount to Maram’s GoFundMe and send us the receipt via the Bird Bingo registration form. You’ll be eligible to play once you register!
2.) Go birding by yourself, with friends, or with at Fort River NWR on May 5 9am-12pm. 3.) Check off the bingo squares as you make observations. Complete all the squares to get BINGO!
4.) Practice ethical birding–don’t use playback and keep your distance from nests and agitated birds. 5.) Email your completed bingo card to by 12pm on May 5 to be entered into a raffle for a birdy prize. Multiple chances to win.
6.) Prize winners will be contacted via email!
Meet-up info: Fort River NWR (also known as Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Fort River Division) is located at 69 Moody Bridge Rd. in Hadley, MA. Meet for the walk at 9am in the parking lot near the information sign! Meet for the sit at 11am near the larger covered gazebo off the parking lot, by the pond.
Accessibility: K/N95 masks are required for this event. The trail is made of gravel with raised wooden boardwalks, and is advertised as being “fully accessible.” But depending on weather the trail could have mud, be covered in water, or be uneven from floods, and the boardwalks could be slick. There are benches along the trail, two accessible shaded gazebos along the trail, and two accessible shaded gazebos near the parking lot.
DMV - Spring Bird Outing at Theodore Roosevelt Island
Join us to meander through the forest and along the boardwalk at Theodore Roosevelt Island on April 28th, 9 AM - 11 AM.
For more information and to RSVP, please visit EventBrite

NYC: Fort Tilden Bird Outing with Feminist Bird Club NYC & NYC Plover Project
Fort Tilden Bird Outing with Feminist Bird Club NYC & NYC Plover Project

NYC: Spring Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx
Spring Birding with Haley Scott at WaveHill in The Bronx

Atlanta - Spring Campout at Panola Mountain
Camp and Bird at Panola Mountain!
RSVP here
Who: You!* All are welcome who have an interest in camping and birding. Anyone under 18 y/o must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
What: Feminist Bird Club Atlanta Chapter - Spring Campout at Panola Mountain State Park
When: Camping overnight Saturday, April 13 - Sunday, April 14, 2024. We have the campsites from 1:00 PM Saturday to 1:00 PM Sunday (24 hours) and will be birding throughout our stay. Attendees are welcome to arrive and leave as they please, but we ask that you only sign-up if you are coming to camp out.
Where: Panola Mountain State Park Campground, ~20 miles southeast of Atlanta. To get to the closest parking lot to the campground, by Alexander Lakes, route to the Panola Mountain State Park Archery Range at 4965 Flat Bridge Rd SW, Stockbridge, GA 30281.
Costs: $4.50 per person for the campsite fees (pay at a later date) and $10.00 CASH per vehicle for parking overnight (2 days) = $14.50 total. Free parking with a current GA State Park ParkPass, which may be available to checkout at your local library.
Route and where we will be: We will use a combination of paved and unpaved paths to get from parking lot to the campsites ~0.5 mile away. To find the primitive campsites, walk on the paved path running from the parking lot to the lake and take the first path on right to get to the campground. We will be birding on the park trails and the "Power of Flight" field near the campsite. We will remind you of these details and inform you of our campsite #'s closer to the date :)
Facilities: There is a single outhouse in the primitive camping area and public-use bathrooms in the parking lot ~0.5 mile away from the campsite. No bathhouse/ showers on site.
What to bring: Your camping stuff [tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, rain fly, tarp], materials for all your snacks and meals, 1-2 gallons of drinking water per person, plenty of layers of clothing, rain gear, comfortable walking shoes, toiletries, binoculars and bird guidebook (if you have them, we will have plenty to share).
Who are we? A birding club located in Metro Atlanta dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC, and women to connect with the natural world. See:
*Note: We have a strict capacity of 18 people for this trip because of our camping reservation. After you sign-up here, you will be notified if you were among the first people to sign-up and are an event attendee or if you have made the waitlist and are on the list to be notified in case spot(s) open up.
Questions? Contact us on Instagram @fbc.atlanta or reach out to the event leaders via email to;

Chicago - Mindful Birding
Join FBC as we gather together to cultivate a mindful birding practice on Saturday, April 13th at 1pm. No prior experience with birding is required. This is a beginner friendly event and organization. Families are also welcome to join (children do not need to RSVP). Binoculars are optional and will be available for loan.
Please RSVP here
Feminist Bird Club Chicago (FBC) is dedicated to promoting inclusivity & safety in birding for everyone especially LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC & disabled folks and women.
Join FBC as we gather together to cultivate a mindful birding practice on Saturday, April 13th at 1pm. No prior experience with birding is required. This is a beginner friendly event and organization. Families are also welcome to join (children do not need to RSVP). Binoculars are optional and will be available for loan.
Questions? Please email
Getting There: The Burnham Wildlife Corridor spans the lakefront just south of McCormick Place. We will be meeting here: and navigate to the Caracol - gathering space together. The metra electic line McCormick Place stop is about .8 miles away and the CTA Bus #3 and #21 run to the McCormick Place bus stop which is about 1 mile away from the meetup location. Remember you can navigate through the McCormick Place building to get to the other side, bikes as well. For directions using public transportation visit There is paid parking located along lake shore drive from the meetup location south to 31st street. You may bike to the meetup location easily using the lakefont trail. There are posts throughout the park to lock a bike.
Accessibility & Terrain: The terrain is a mix of paved and a mulched path all relatively flat, some rocks or plant debris is expected. Particpants will be able to manage how much sitting or walking they would like to do once we reach Caracol. No bathrooms available. There will be pretty loud traffic noise with Lake Shore Drive only a few hundred feet away.
Dress: Please dress in comfortable weather appropriate clothing and layers, the lakefront is often colder and windier. April can be rainy so please bear this in mind with your choice of footwear.
PLEASE READ AND REVIEW: Feminist Bird Club's Birding Code of Conduct prior to attending this event.
Code of Conduct can be accessed on our website or by following this link:

San Francisco - Feminist Bird Club (Heron) Egg Hunt in Downtown Oakland!
Join Feminist Bird Club for a bird outing near the Oakland Museum/Lake Merritt to see the nesting black-crowned night herons.
Join the SF Bay Area chapter of the Feminist Bird Club for a springtime egg(ish!) hunt to look for the black-crowned night herons nesting in downtown Oakland.
To RSVP, please visit EventBrite
All are welcome. The Feminist Bird Club strives to host birding events that are welcoming and inclusive for all people - full stop. Our goal is less about nailing the largest species checklist and more about building community with each other, by making sure that everyone feels safe and respected.
We will have binoculars to share and as always, all abilities are welcome, especially beginners!
Getting here: We'll meet outside the Oakland Lake Merritt BART station, on the west side of Oak St between 8th and 9th. Look for us in the open area on the west side of Oak St. between the two BART exits. We'll end our walk at the Oakland Museum of California gardens on 12th St.
Google Maps link to starting location:
Accessibility: The distance from the Lake Merritt BART station to the Lake Merritt Amphitheater and then the Oakland Museum of California garden is approx 0.35 miles one-way. It will be all on paved, flat city sidewalks.
Bathrooms: There is a restroom in the Lake Merritt BART station.
COVID Policy: Since we’ll be outdoors, we are not requiring masks at this time but ask people to maintain a comfortable distance from each other and respect each other’s personal bubbles. Please stay home if you are feeling sick.
Waiver: All adult participants will need to complete this waiver online prior to the event:
If you are planning on bringing anyone under the age of 18 with you, please email for a children's waiver.
Weather: Heavy rain cancels. We will notify people of any changes via Eventbrite, so check your spam folders.
We follow the ABA Code of Birding Ethics:
For info about the event
For urgent questions the day-of the event (text only please):
(360) 775-9823 or (848) 565-5918
About Feminist Bird Club - SF Bay
We are an actively inclusive and safe community for everyone to enjoy birds in their natural environment. Learn more about Feminist Bird Club here:
Sign up to be notified of future events here:

Atlanta - March Birding Event at Blue Heron Nature Preserve
Join Feminist Bird Club Atlanta Chapter for a March Birding Event at Blue Heron Nature Preserve
When: Saturday, March 23, 2024 - 9:30 am meet-up; 10 am the birding begins!
Where: Blue Heron Nature Preserve 4055 Roswell Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30342. Website: Meet in the main parking lot.
Route: 2.5-miles~ via Blueway Trail. Paved (slatted wood walkway) + unpaved trail + section of steep, narrow stone steps. *NEW* option to sit & bird during this event (please tell us if you want to participate below*).
What to bring: Layers for breezy weather, comfortable walking shoes, water, snacks, mask*, binoculars (but we have plenty to lend), & guidebook (if you have them). *As COVID and RSV cases are prevalent, we ask all attendees to please mask up!*
Cost: FREE
NOTE: This event will be capped at 25 participants, due to the narrow trails in the preserve. Please register only if you are certain you can attend.
Who is FBC Atlanta? A birding club located in Metro Atlanta dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC, and women to connect with the natural world. See:
Questions? Contact us @fbc.atlanta or