Come join Marcus Rosten, Schuyler Lawson and Michelle Lawson from Buffalo's Black Birders for a birding walk at Red Jacket Riverfront Natural Habitat Park. All levels of birders are welcome as we search for spring migrants and nesting birds (e.g., Gray Catbirds, Yellow Warblers, Swallows, Brown Thrashers, Hermit Thrushes, and many other species). '
Priority registration is given to BIPOC, but our white allies may register starting on May 27th.
To register, please visit EventBrite
If you have binoculars, please bring them. We have a few pairs to borrow if needed. The trails and parking lot are generally well-maintained, with two designated accessible spaces for vans with striped access aisles. The trail surface is smooth and at least 6 feet wide. Restrooms are not available, so please plan accordingly. This event is hosted by the Feminist Bird Club Buffalo Chapter and the WNY Land Conservancy in allyship. It's part of the fourth annual Black Birders Week, with daily themes from May 28 to June 3 to Highlight Expressive Ways in Which We Share Our Love for Birds.
“Last year, we focused on celebrating lifelong journeys and connections made through birding,” said Nicole Jackson, one of this year’s planning team co-chairs. “This year, #BlackBirdersWeek is taking you on a tour, focusing on themes like, how Black birders share their joy of birds through a variety of means of expression, history and culture, and citizen science. For all members of BlackAFinSTEM, birding has been an incredible journey in many different ways and we know this to be true for other Black birders throughout America and the diaspora. We would like to engage and share the stories of as many Black birders as we can, uplifting their connections to birds. This year we are Flying Full Circle!”
To learn more about Black Birders Week, visit