
Our Principles

1. Our feminism must focus on addressing intersectional struggles. Our work centers the experiences of, and fights for the rights of, people who identify as Indigenous, trans, non-binary, queer, women, disabled, Black, brown, neurodiverse, or any combination thereof, and for the equity of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. All chapters need to work against perpetuating white feminism, and any extension of misogyny.

2. Our fight for conservation and environmental justice is intimately connected with the feminist and anti-racist movements. Our members must respect that these international struggles are central to our fight to address the current climate crises.

3. At events, everyone must be respectful of one another. This includes being considerate of new birders, acknowledging an individual’s pronouns and rejecting any racist, sexist, ableist, classist, homophobic, sizeist or xenophobic behaviors.

4. All flora, fauna and funga encountered at events must be treated with respect and participation in local conservation actions are always encouraged. The ABA birding code of ethics must be followed by all members at all events.

5. We recognize that support needs to go beyond having a platform, and in order to effect change we need to provide material support, time, and labor to fight against oppression and climate catastrophe. We invite all members to join us in this work.

You can find a Code of Conduct that incorporates these principles here.
